Effective at 11:59pm tonight, June 29th, face masks are mandatory in Kaufman County, Texas until further notice (where social distancing is not an option). That includes the parts of Mabank that are located in Kaufman County.
If you need a face mask, you can visit our sponsor’s Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/hopeprotetive.
Here is the text of the order:
Hal Richards
County Judge
June 29, 2020
Health and Safety
100 W. Mulberry Kaufman, TX 75142
Kaufman County Commissioner’s Court unanimously passed an order requiring that commercial business entities must develop a health and safety policy. “Effective as of 11:59 p.m. on June 29, 2020 (Effective Date) and continuing until modified, terminated, or rescinded by the Commissioners Court of Kaufman County, all commercial business and entities open to the general public in Kaufman County providing goods or services directly to the general public must develop a health and safety polio’ (“Health and Safety Policy”). The Health and Safety Policy at a minimum that all employees and visitors (10 years of age or older) to the commercial entity’s business premises or other facilities wear face coverings in an area or while performing an activity which will necessarily involve close contact or proximity to co-workers or the general public where six feet of separation is not an option.
Additionally. an order Was passed requiring all County employees and visitors to Kaufinan County buildings to wear a face covering unless 6-foot social distancing can be The Full orders will be posted the Counys website.